There are 6 major holidays that we close for:
New Years
4th Of July
Memorial Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
We close for these specific holidays because the landfills and transfer stations are closed. Therefore, there is no location where we can bring the waste.
Memorial Day, Labor Day and Thanksgiving are always the same day. If you are due ON these holidays, or AFTER, then your pickup will be 1 day late. If the holiday falls on a weekend, it doesn't affect us at all. We will not close if it falls on a weekend.
The other 3 holidays (Christmas, New Years, 4th Of July) all rotate days. If they are on a weekday and your pickup day is ON or AFTER the holiday, your pickup will be one day late.
A lot of services do not work on weekends but we work into Saturday, on holiday weeks, to make sure everyone gets a pickup.
We are not state workers and are not part of the school systems, so Presidents Day, Indigenous Peoples Day/Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day , etc. DO NOT affect us.
When a holiday is going to affect our schedule, we send out emails to our customers (check your spam) and always have an announcement with the full schedule on our website!
If you have any questions about holiday schedules, please call our office.
Thank you!
The Riverside Disposal Team